2024 Bursary Program
On behalf of The Newfoundland and Labrador Stuttering Association (NLSA) I am pleased to announce that the NLSA 2024 … ‘a million things I need to say’ 1K/5K Walk, Run & Roll Bursary Program is awarding FOUR $1,200.00 BURSARIES.
The 2024 Bursary Application will be available for request starting Friday November 1st up until midnight on Friday November 29th.
Commencing Friday November 1st, interested candidates are asked to email a request for a Bursary application to info@nlstuttering.ca. Upon receipt of your email, a Bursary application will be emailed.
Completed 2024 Bursary Applications will be accepted starting Monday December 2nd. The deadline for accepting completed Bursary applications is no later than midnight of Friday January 3rd 2025. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Completed Bursary applications are to be returned via email to: info@nlstuttering.ca and or be dropped of at:
The Newfoundland and Labrador Stuttering Association
44 Torbay Road, Suite 100
St. John’s NL A1A 2G4
The NLSA ‘a million things I need to say’ Bursary Program is open to preschool and school age children, adolescents, adults and seniors who stutter and others challenged with communication disorders.
Expression of interest for applying for a Bursary will be accepted by a self-referral, or by a legal guardian, or by a client referral from a Service Provider. The Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (NLASLPA) will be informed about the availability of the NLSA 2024 … ‘a million things I need to say’ Bursaries.
PLEASE NOTE: Once contacted, Successful Bursary Recipients will be responsible for providing The NLSA with the name and contact information of their Service Provider.
If a Successful Bursary Recipient does not have a name of a Service Provider, they can take as much time as required to find a Service Provider that they feel comfortable, safe with and who they feel is a mutual fit for their treatment relationship.
The NLSA will make financial arrangements to have Successful Bursary Recipients funds sent directly to their Service Provider.
Upon receipt of your Bursary Application, if you have any questions, please email info@nlstuttering.ca and a NLSA representative will be in connect.
Greg O’Grady, NLSA Chair