Celebrating our first year2020-04-24T14:26:03-04:00

A Message from the NLSA Chair

Our First Birthday on November 26, 2019…

What a Year and What a ‘Team’!!!!!

Albert Einstein is supposed to have said,
“There are only two ways to live your life:
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle”
I opt for Everything! 

On Monday November 26, 2018 a miracle happened.  Seven community people showed up for an informal discussion about current programs and treatment options for people who stutter, and identification of service gaps, and barriers and additional supports needed. After a few hours of productive discussion, the Newfoundland and Labrador Stuttering Association (NLSA), an organization whose vision it is to bring awareness, education and services to people who stutter in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador was born.  Six other passionate individuals joined us later to support our work.

NL Stuttering Association Members

Front row left to right:
Andrea Power, Betty Hearn, Greg O’Grady, Dr. Robert Kroll, Allison O’Brien

Back row Left to right:
Kimberly Kavanagh, Aimee Kelly, Judy Kavanagh, Michelle Delahunty, Ashley Rossiter, Cecil Haire, Jonathan Garcin 

Mary Shugarue

Greg O'Grady and Dr. Robert Kroll

Dr. Robert Kroll accepts a gift from Greg O’Grady  for being a keynote speaker.

The NLSA is making a difference, and helping the Newfoundland and Labrador people who stutter community to become more visible and finally ‘Finding Our Voice’ through  increasing awareness, education, and acceptance of stuttering.  The NLSA still has a long journey ahead for Advocacy and Support in order to establish and have access to specialized, intensive and affordable treatment and services.  There is still more work to be done!

This is an epic project.  It takes a lot of commitment, time, effort, and work.  With a great amount of gratitude to NLSA Board, without you, there would be no way!

Special Thank You to Daniele Rossi who designed The NLSA Logo, Ronan Corr who designed and set up the NLSA website, to the NL stuttering community, our families, friends, colleagues, health professionals, The City of Mount Pearl, The Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (NLASLPA), The Toronto Speech and Stuttering Institute (SSI), The Canadian Stuttering Association (CSA) and community friends for your ongoing contributions in supporting The NLSA mandate of Advocacy and Support for People Who Stutter.

Together, we help make life changes for people who stutter, providing better overall health and wellness and quality of life at home, school, work, and within the community of people who stutter and their families.

finding our voice cake

YES,  a miracle did happen on Monday November 26, 2018

With sincere gratitude and appreciation,  Happy First Birthday NLSA!   

Greg O’Grady

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