Michelle Delahunty – Vice Chair
Previous Board Members
As a speech-language pathologist, Michelle has been working with persons who stutter, of all ages, for more than 20 years. She is currently a partner at Speech Language Pathology Private Practice in St. John’s. Michelle is committed to helping persons who stutter access the supports they need to meet their own personal goals. She is excited to see the difference that the NLSA is already making to increase support for people who stutter (and their families) and awareness of stuttering in our community.

Ashley Rossiter
Ashley is a Speech-Language Pathologist and certified Auditory Verbal Therapist. She works full time at the Janeway Children’s Hospital with the provincial cochlear implant team. She also runs a successful private clinic. Her private practice primarily focuses on students with Down Syndrome; however stuttering has always been a keen interest of hers. She is thrilled to be a part of NLSA, and is truly amazed at the impact NLSA has already made locally for individuals of all ages who stutter.

Jon Garcin
Jon is a Speech-Language Pathologist who stutters. He is from Corner Brook and currently resides in Springdale Newfoundland where he works in the school system. Jon struggled with stuttering most of his life and received extensive speech therapy in his early 20’s. With the support and guidance of his therapist, undergraduate thesis supervisor, and close family and friends, Jon decided to pursue a career in Speech-Language Pathology. Fluency enhancing techniques work quite well in establishing fluent speech, however “acceptance” is key. “Acceptance” is achieved through the support of family,friends, and other people who stutter. The NLSA is one of the greatest things to happen to the stuttering community in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Allison O’Brien
Allison O’Brien is a person who stutters. She became a founding member and board director of the NLSA to make a difference. Her goals are to increase awareness, education, and respect for people who stutter. To reduce bullying by children, adults, and employers. To make therapy more accessible and to make society more accepting. Not only for her child but for all children. For the next generation of people who stutter and for every child who is different.

Betty Hearn
My name is Betty Hearn and I am a Board Member of The Newfoundland and Labrador Stuttering Association. When my son was born on October 18, 1982, I discovered that he was tongue tied. Our Doctor at this time, Doctor Tjan, had to surgically clipped his tongue and put tubes in his ear. The next step was to take my son to Speech Therapy at the Janeway Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre in St. John’s NL. As a mother of a son with a speech impediment, I understand the need for awareness and support for others with communication challenges. As a member of The Newfoundland and Labrador Stuttering Association, I support their Mission of Advocacy and Support for People Who Stutter. This is the reason why I joined.

Brent Foote
Brent is a professional in community recreation and sport services from Mount Pearl. Diagnosed with a severe fluency disorder as a child, he received extensive speech therapy in his school years. As an emerging advocate, Brent is driven to raise awareness about stuttering through meaningful connections and lifelong learning opportunities.

April Kennedy
April Kennedy is the proud mother to a Person who stutters (PWS). She has three young adult sons, one of whom has been a stutterer since the age of 8. April is passionate about educating people about the family supports available and how stuttering is a family issue.